mardi 7 décembre 2010

Commandez la bande-dessinée "La vie d'Ivanne" !


Vous pouvez dès à présent commander la BD "La vie d'Ivanne - Histoires, tracas et bécasseries d'une petite handicapée" sur le site des Éditions Catalpas : (paiement en ligne par CB ou par chèque à l'ordre des Éditions Catalpas - expédiée par courrier).
Vous pouvez aussi, avant de vous ruer pour acheter cette bande-dessinée, lire quelques-unes des planches qu'elle contient, en cliquant sur la rubrique "La vie d'Ivanne en BD" dans le menu de ce blog (sur la droite).

mercredi 23 juin 2010

Conclusions of the trip - 23rd June 2010

My bike, wrapped in the airport of Bucharest, after 1515 kms :

I am right now in Normandy, in my sweet bedroom, and here are a few conclusions of my trip :

1/ I am really glad, proud and happy of this experience I was dreaming about for a long time. Thank you to all the people I met during this trip !
2/ I really enjoy travelling by bicycle : I like the rythm (tempo) of a bike trip, being outside and feeling the wind, meeting people with no need of opening a window.
3/ Travelling alone is so less funny, even if you may sometimes meet people easier (or be more 100% with a person, maybe). Furthermore, it's more stressfull when you have to face with problems or bad people.
4/ I have really tested and discovered Couch-Surfing (and Warmshowers) during this trip and that's absolutly great to meet people and know more about countries, habits...That's also nice, sometimes, to sleep in Hostels in order to meet other travellers.
5/ I really didn't understand people who always warned me about dangers whereas I was exactly in the position of taking these risks (and I knew it, of course). That's not very kind !
6/ My "dogs counter" was completly useless because 6 dogs ran after me, but only during my first day in Romania : after that, I met only tired or nice dogs :-).
7/ My bike is great but if I wanna make a long trip (few months/year...), I'll have to buy a stronger one. But I really like my Giant Ligero RS3 !

I'll travel again by bike at some point, most probably far further, maybe longer, with 1 or 2 people...I'll see :-) !

Histoires, tracas et becasseries d'une petite handicapée - 40. La BD dont Ivanne et toi êtes les héros

lundi 21 juin 2010

Bucharest - 19th to 21st June 2010

Today is Monday, the 21st of June, and I'll take my flight for Paris in a few hours...
During the week-end, I spent time with Rodica, walking between the giant buildings of Calei Victorei, drinking Mojitos in the old town, meeting Romain and Celine in the Funky Chicken Hostel, listening to the International Folkloric Dance Festival in Gradina Cismigiu. and sharing stories and experiences. Bucharest is huge, but also full of trees. We left Romain and Celine "pour de bon" : that's always weird to leave people you are with for a few days during a trip !

On the Sunday, I visited the Museum of Peasant Life, which is a kind of countryside village from the 30's in Romania, gathering traditional houses from all the country !
Then, we went to drink a beer with Rodica's friends (and cyclists) and ate a Quiche Provencale that I cooked. Thank you Rodica for all !

So, it sounds like the end...I am waiting for Gheo to drive me to the airport (which is really, really kind from him) ! And I'll write the conclusion of my trip on Tuesday or Wednesday...

samedi 19 juin 2010

Bucharest - 18th June 2010

I woke up at 5 am on Friday morning to take my bus to Bucharest : the stupid drivers of the bus broke the back light of my bike (whereas I paid a bakshish...). Then, I met again Romain and Celine, the 2 french, who will take a train to Moscow on Sunday in order to catch the Trans-Siberian (you can have a look on their website That's really nice to spend some time with them.

I met Gheo and Cosmina, a romanian couple, in their apartment, and had a delicious dinner (very spicy shawarma, cherries and ice-cream :-) and discussion with them. We talked again about a german called Heinz Stucke, who travelled for 42 years by bike all over the world : you can see the map of his travels, it's amazing : But as Gheo doesn't feel good in these days, they called Rodica, a romanian girl, who can host me. She lives in a very quiet street, along a park, in the north of Bucharest. I am right now with her and that's really great !

Varna and the travellers - 15th to 18th June 2010

I stayed in Varna for 3 days and my trip changed again because, as the couch-surfer who was supposed to host me was not really available, I went to Yo-Ho Hostel, a great place, full of travellers, bag-packers and nice people.

So, I spent time drinking beers on the beach with Eddie, the Israelian guy who enjoys Balkans music, Andrew, the Canadian who travels all around Europe and went to same university and program than me in Montreal (!), Stefany, the american girl from Peacecorps and Sandra, a french girl from Toulouse. We went to a very loud "Chalga" music club along the beach...with men and women dressed as if they were in a fashion show...But that was funny, because we could dance in the sea from this club !

Then, I met Romain and Celine, two french friends, who travel by bike from France to South-Asia and India ! I was very happy to meet them and share feelings, experiences and material advices. We went together to Balchik, a nice village on the coast of the Black Sea.

I also met Elena, who organizes parties called "Save the vinyls" in Varna, and explained me many things about Bulgaria. And also Oliver and Miro, 2 serbian guys : we had a philosophical discussion about the most boring pictures in the world (Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Pise Tower...) :-).
Bulgaria is on the way of many travellers, especially because it's the entrance and exit with Turkey (and the rest of the world :-). I haven't used my bike for 3 days ! I spent a nice and relaxing time in Varna, even if the city is really touristic.

vendredi 18 juin 2010

Dites-le avec le Duo Badge : 2 badges, 2 personnes, 1 seul message !

Le Duo Badge, un concept tout droit venu de la Suisse Normande, qui transcende l'utilisation classique du badge ! Le Duo Badge est donc composé, comme son nom l'indique, de 2 badges, sur lesquels sont inscrites les 2 parties d'un seul et même message. Lorsque les 2 personnes sont éloignées l'une de l'autre, les convives se casseront la tête pour tenter de comprendre le satané message qui pourrait bien se cacher derrière ces mots mystérieux. Mais lorsqu'elles se trouveront côte à côte, la phrase prendra alors tout son sens et chacun rira de bon cœur de cette sacrée blague que vous leur avez faite là !

Mais trêve de discours, voyez plutôt la première série :
Duo Wesh'Badge
Duo C'est toi l'Badge
Duo Poch'Badge
Duo Crado'Badge

Duo Foot'Badge

Le Duo Badge sert en de multiples occasions :
1) Vous allez à une soirée, un cocktail, un séminaire ennuyeux ou tout simplement dans votre belle-famille, avec votre compagnon de vie, votre meilleure amie ou votre ami qui-n'est-certes-pas-le-meilleur-mais-ça-va-quand-même : munissez-vous de votre Duo Badge ! Il vous permettra d'égayer la soirée, de vous faire remarquer, de garder une contenance ou tout simplement de communiquer avec vos proches si le volume sonore est trop élevé. 
2) Si vous dirigez une agence de Speed-Dating, épinglez chacun des badges sur l'un ou l'autre des participants. Ils devront alors, en s'ébrouant gaiement et furetant partout, retrouver leur seconde moitié, celle qui complètera intelligemment le message de leur badge. 
3) Si vous n'avez pas d'amis, il suffit d'accrocher le premier badge sur votre poitrail et le second dans votre dos. Vos voisins s'amuseront à vous faire tourner, telle une toupie, et vous serez alors l'attraction de toute l'assemblée !

Alors, si vous en voulez, dites-le ! 
Le Duo Badge est à 3 euros de main à main et à 4 euros s'il faut l'envoyer par courrier. 
Vous pouvez aussi faire une commande personnalisée, qui vous correspondra à 100% !